Character Tier List - DRAGON BALL: Sparking! ZERO Guide - IGN (2025)

There are a total of 182 characters in Dragon Ball! Sparking Zero, and as you might imagine with a roster that large, balancing is pretty much impossible. Just like in the actual show, some characters are clearly more powerful than others. Which is why we've made this Tier List tool for the community to decide on who the best of the best in Sparking Zero are.


Best Characters - Current S-Tier Picks

If you're looking for some anchors to either round out your team in DP Mode, or simply really strong picks in solo mode, here are our current picks for the best characters in Sparking Zero, along with why they're so strong. Note that these can, and very likely will change with future patches. It already has, bumping Yajirobe out of S Tier.

Super Vegito

Super Vegito already an incredibly strong character with great stats all around, but what really puts him over the edge and makes him one of the best characters in the game is that in DP Mode, he's an 8 cost character with Afterimage Strike, one of the best skills in the game, and one that's usually reserved for lower cost characters as a means to make them stronger. Putting it on an already strong character just makes Super Vegito that much more powerful.

Full Power Jiren

Full Power Jiren is another extremely powerful character with a 9 DP cost who elevates himself thanks to his ability to instantly go into Sparking Mode with the Strength is Absolute skill. More than that though, while in Sparking Mode, Jiren can spam Ki blasts continuously, making him uniquely suited to deal with Afterimage Strike, as well as just being an absolute pest at range, hitting you with attacks that can't be reversed.

Broly (Z) and Legendary Super Saiyan Broly

Broly (Z) is a killer in DP Battles because he's a 5 DP character that's able to transform into one of the best characters in the game; Legendary Super Saiyan Broly, a 9 DP character, for only 3 Skill Counter stocks. Legendary Super Saiyan Broly is so good because he's got an unblockable standard blast in Gigantic Hammer, an unblockable ultimate blast with Eraser Cannon, AND his Kakarottt! skill allows him to instantly get him into Sparking Mode.

Ultra Instinct -SIGN- Goku and Ultra Instinct Goku


Both forms of Ultra Instinct Goku are extremely good. For one, they have the unique trait of being automatically able to dodge rush attacks if you just stand still, at the cost of Ki. But beyond that, their stats are great, their skills are great, base form can actually heal a pip of life when he transforms, they've both got spammable ki attacks even outside of sparking mode, and I could go on and on.

Android 19 and Dr. Gero

These characters stand out not just as being top tier, but being actually busted. Unlike the rest of the cast, they do not spend Ki when they use Dragon Dashes, allowing them to run away endlessly and be uncatchable. Even if you do somehow manage to get your hands on them, they also have a defensive buff in False Courage that gives them super armor, allowing them to beat you out in hand-to-hand exchanges. These are the only two characters we've seen that have actually been banned in tournaments. Please fix, Bandai Namco.


Extremely good stats, the same unique trait that UI Goku has of standing still to avoid all rush attacks with the added bonus of it not costing any Ki, and a healing skill all make Whis into a monster in solo play. In DP battles, his 10 DP cost might be a little too steep, but that doesn't stop him from being an extremely strong character all around.


Great stats, four pips of HP, instant sparking skill, and an unblockable ultimate skill all make Beerus earn every point of that 10 DP cost.

For more Dragon Ball: Sparking! Zero tips and tricks, check out our other guides:

  • Advanced Combat Tips
  • How Beat Great Ape Vegeta
  • Alternate Routes and What If Guide

Up Next: How to Deal With Afterimage Strike

PreviousWhy Yajirobe is a Top Tier MenaceNextHow to Deal With Afterimage Strike

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Character Tier List - DRAGON BALL: Sparking! ZERO Guide - IGN (1)

Dragon Ball: Sparking! Zero

Bandai Namco

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Character Tier List - DRAGON BALL: Sparking! ZERO Guide - IGN (2025)


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